Site Visitors

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Hello...hello...hello...Is There Anybody Out There?...

Do me a favor, people. I don't have a counter of visits on this blog. I need to know that somebody out there is listening othere than Dan. So if you've been reading, just give me a shout out please.



Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say bro, I keep tellin people.

Anonymous said...

So if you are elected what would you do about all the illegal aliens in this country and what would you do to secure our borders? Now for my next question. If there is an alternative feul found what would you do to retrain all the thousands of oilfield workers in this country.

Anonymous said...

If you are elected President what is your opion on gay marrage and if you are against it then what will you do about them being able to adopt children and raising themin that type environment.

Anonymous said...

That is a good question about retraining the oil field workers. On that same note, if the alternative is a rechargeable electric vehicle, the current electrical infrastructure would not be able to handle the new load requirements. There are rolling brown/black outs now in the summer because of air conditioning usage. Comments and/or possible solutions?
