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Monday, July 30, 2007

Illegal Aliens and Border Security

Hello again all,

I know it’s been a while since I’ve responded to the questions last asked. For that I apologize… I’ve been going through some personal issues as of late, but never fear, my thoughts have not strayed far from my blog or my goal. Now let me address the questions from the last entry…

Illegal aliens and border security…

I think there are several reasons that have placed us in the situation we find ourselves in currently with illegal immigrants. First of all, the Federal government has made it so that a hospital cannot refuse to treat a patient or that schools have to teach everyone, legal or illegal. These are wonderful ideas in theory, but it also makes it very enticing for an illegal alien to make the trek across the border. If they cannot receive the healthcare or education in their own country, why not come here and mooch off of our system? Who wouldn’t do that? So I cannot really blame them for wanting to come to the “Land of Opportunity”. Secondly, our government has made the process to become lagal citizens painstakingly slow. I know, you’re saying “Rich, you cannot possibly tell me that there is a federal process that has been turned into some ridiculous, near-impossible task set up for failure”, but I’m here to tell you it’s true. When they do apply, it takes over five years for some to even find out that they’ve been denied! By then, they are settled into their community, have had a steady job, and now receive a letter saying “get out”. So as far as I’m concerned, our government has failed us in that aspect because during that time period, we are making up for their lack of tax paying. I can only imagine that there are not enough people in the department to process any faster (especially given the speed at which a lot of Federal employees move given the fact that they know they have job security). Thirdly, we have always had this problem, but for some reason, it is just coming to light now. I’m not quite sure why it is in the spotlight all of a sudden when there are plenty of other topics to discuss in the news. I do have my own ideas but it’s a bit beyond the scope of this blog. So what’s my solution?

Here are my ideas… First, we streamline the process of becoming a legal citizen of this country. Add more people, create less paperwork, and get rid of those within the department who are making the whole process sluggish. Second, we provide harsher punishments for illegals after a period of time to allow those currently here illegally to either leave or become citizens. We still can provide them with healthcare, but when they are done at the hospital, they are deported back to their country of origin. No getting belongings from home or telling anyone… just on the next plane out. After a second time this happens for any individual, they will be considered a criminal and will be transported to a country of our choice. They will also have zero chance of becoming an American citizen from then on. There will be no third chance for health care. At that point, we have been more than gracious hosts and will not carry the burden any longer. I am thinking prison would be a great idea until they have paid off their previous two airfares and the upcoming third by doing prison work (I have discussed my ideas on prisoner jobs in two previous posts). Third, we deal with those that are currently here illegally. Sure, they can apply for citizenship and then live here legally, but what about the time they spent here mooching off of us? My solution is time spent in the military as part of the clause to become citizens. One member of each family must provide four years of active duty to make up for the time spent here not paying taxes. That would bolster our forces until I can implement my military for college plan (discussed previously) and impress some American discipline and values on them. Lastly, there will be no schooling for illegal immigrants mandated by the Federal government. As previously discussed, I plan to give control of public schools back to the States and local communities. Therefore, it would be up to the local citizens if they want to pay for illegal immigrants to be schooled on their dime or not.

Now, as far as border security goes, I think our border patrol agents have been doing an outstanding and commendable job thus far. We have underfunded them, undermanned them, and held them back on what they can and cannot do. I say we need more personnel, more equipment, and more understanding of what they go through each and every day, protecting us from not only illegal immigrants, but also from drug dealers and possible terrorists. As far as I’m concerned, they should be another branch of our military, equivalent to the Coast Guard. Maybe even combine them with the Coast Guard and renaming them the National Guard. And still keep our current National Guard, but call them what they really are… National Guard Reservists or MinuteMen (from the days of old). And real quick, while I’m on the topic (and please don’t think that it’s merely a side bar), I think it’s completely despicable that our current President, the man who is supposed to represent our culture and beliefs, has let Scooter Libby off for the crimes he committed, yet has not given a second thought to the two border patrol agents who were defending our country from a drug runner! And shame on Congress for taking so long to even hold sessions on what to do about them. Somebody sign the damn papers and free them now! Do not make this a political cause, trying to use it to get a jab in on Republicans. Do not try to win the office by being sneakier than the others, Try to win it by doing the right thing and having the right beliefs, and by being recognized for doing what’s right for our country. I say again, free them – NOW! What we don’t need is a big wall keeping others out. That would be a huge waste of money because it would just be another obstacle (this one an eyesore) that the illegals would overcome. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Spend the money on the current process that works but has been severely underfunded as of late instead. I really don’t want to have to say “I told you so” about the wall.

Whew, and that was only one question…

Alternative fuels and the impact on the oilfield workers…

An interesting question, perhaps asked because I currently work in the industry. Here’s my opinions on this topic: Let me start by saying that you cannot believe that there has been any conscious effort to replace the conventional fuels. I believe any ideas that are introduced are nothing more than scams to appease society while the oil companies get richer yet. Let me ask this… if we reduce oil consumption, do you really think it will make life better? The alternative fuels will be more expensive, hurting you in the wallet. And the oil industry will still want to make their money, so they’ll raise the cost per barrel even more than it currently is. Look into these alternative fuels…Does E85 really burn cleaner than gasoline or diesel? I think in this case, we have to play within the unfortunate rules that are already in place and with those who make those rules. Conventional fuels are not going anywhere. What we can do is make it as clean burning as possible. Create only diesel engines from here on out…, require that all cars receive a minimum 100 miles per gallon of fuel. That would reduce consumption by 66-80% (and it is possible between hybriding with electricity, using braking energy to then accelerate, and using more efficient fuel injectors)…, and by creating scrubbers that convert the harmful emissions into beneficial ones. And, I know, I still haven’t answered the question (oh no! I must be turning into a politician!)…

If, by some miracle, an alternative fuel is created that replaces conventional oils, it will have minimal impact on the oilfields across our country. First of all, a vast majority of our drilling these days is for natural gas, which is in high demand all over the world, so I don’t see that portion as being affected. Secondly, we are set up so that this cannot occur overnight. Even if a new fuel is created, it would take at least a decade to run oilfield workers out of a job. And that’s within our country only. Developing countries will rely on oil for a very, very long time. We’re talking (my best educated guess) a lifetime at least. Therefore, I’m saying even a new fuel would not run out the existing workers from their jobs, so there are no worries there. If the next generation loses their jobs, it’s not like they wouldn’t have seen it coming, and therefore, I can’t really feel sorry for them.

And even more far-fetched of a miracle, our oilfield workers are without a job all of a sudden because of some alternative fuel supply, I’m sure that there will be a vacancy for jobs to supply the new fuel and a number of people looking for jobs. We could also make it enticing for the companies of the new fuel to provide training and hire oilfield workers by supplying tax breaks for them for a period of time.

Well, I know I only answered two questions so far, but I’ve probably lost half of my readers by this point by putting them to sleep. Next blog will tackle (hopefully) the next and final two questions from the last entry. Please, anyone, if I have not explained these two topics sufficiently, please let me know what I need to expound on.

And, of course once again, thanks for taking the time to stop by and read what I’ve written. Take care,



Anonymous said...

I have another question for you this in regards to Gays and adoptions. I certainly do not agree with the curent policy of them being able to adopt. I think that childern should have a mother and a father not two mothers or two fathers. We live in times of trouble with our youth's and with policy's like this do we have to ask why. So if you are elected president what will be your policy on this.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what you said mostly. There are of course, certain points I do not totally agree with but to each there own. I can make my points with you personally when you make me your advisor. Ha-ha.

I would actually like to say a few things about the previous post. About gay marriage and adoption.

This is a touchy field because it is easy to let personal feelings and religious beliefs interfere with the writing of laws and governing. I would like to take a line from Ron Paul's campaign (which I plan on voting for in 08 by the way and I encourage you all to also) and say that if you look at the constitution, it specifically says that the federal government should not be all governing and interfere with local and state decisions. The only time the federal government should be involved in the decision process is interstate rulings. Between states and individuals in different states. Other than that, the fed gov has no right dictating law.

So in the question of gay rights, be it adoption and/or marriage, the local and/or state governments should be the ones to make those decisions. There is no "one law fits all" in this ultra diverse country we live in.

Rich said...

Thanks for the comments, guys. I appreciate it. I'll try to get another post on here ASAP to finish the outstanding questions, but feel free to sidebar with your own opinions and topics as much as you want, just please keep it clean and respectful.


Anonymous said...


I would like to understand your thoughts on Stem Cell Research and Gene Therapy

Rich said...

Great question about stem cell research, anon. I will get to it ASAP as well as the other questions. Sorry folks, I've had life-changing events occur lately, but will be as soon as tomorrow possibly! Bye for today.
