Hello all once again, my friends!
I am pleased to announce that I have had a new person add a post and share her views while asking for clarification on mine. Welcome to the blog Sarah. And not to leave the old "salty" one out of the spotlight, thanks again to Dan for his question. We'll get to it in a minute though. First, a response to Sarah...
First of all I guess it came off a little rough when I stated that people have three choices when it comes to public schools. I stated they can accept the teachings, ignore the teachings, or move to another school. I still believe that accept or ignore are options. This has always happened and till happens today. Case in point... Evolution or the Big Bang Theory. Not everyone believes in those two theorys, but yet it is taught to them and the children are tested on it. So the children either believe what the teacher says or they ignore it based on what they hear elsewhere. Some go to the point of sending their children to a different place to learn such as a christian based school or they home school. So to clarify my comment of "move to another school", I never meant that people had to pack up and leave town. Most towns have more than one school available that people can send their children to, to include their own house possibly.
Ultimately, I would expect a principle or the school board to hear the voices of parents or read petitions, and plan their school out appropriately. Offer Christian courses if that's what parents want. And they could be optional, so not to offend or ram religion down the throats of others. The point I want to bring home here is that other groups are being taken care of, sometimes to rediculous extents, so that they are not offended, while Christians are thrown to the wayside. That's not right and I would expect everyone to be respected the same. Of course, this is only possible if parents get involved with their schools and it would go a lot easier if they actually volunteered to support what they think is important.
Now, on to the second item. Sarah brings up a great point that teachers influence young ones. I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, I don't think it's only a vision of the future but also a spectre of the past and the body of truth today. And that's why I think it's even more important to match up the right teacher with the teachings that parents want to see. Even as a judge has their favorites but cannot let their feelings interere with their job, a teacher must do the same. When it comes to an item such as I already brought up (Creation versus the Big Bang Theory), I have had teachers who said one was right and one was wrong. This is such an awful thing to do. They are both theories and should be presented equally. That would take away a teacher's influence one way or the other and allow the child to see both points of view equally. And today, there are schools out there that are forcing children to understand islam and other religions(go to http://www.blessedcause.org/encourage/forcing%20islam.htm for an example... google for more). I think this should be saved for after school clubs which would be totally voluntary (all religions included). This could be how parents get involved with volunteering.
Lastly (and I hope I haven't lost my newest reader already with my responses!), Sarah has stated a concern about dividing the States on such issues as abortion. I agree totally that the States would be non-homogenous and I look forward to the day! Our Constitution was written with that in mind. That is the way I believe we should still be today. I personally have travelled to may States in our Union and get so dissappointed when I realize that the accents are disappearing or that every town has the same restaurants to choose from. We do not need to be the same. That is the beauty of the Freedom we have been granted. But if you look at history we always band together when it counts to ensure that our freedoms remain. We need to do that now as well, only the politicians we currently have are not willing to rally us together. Why? Because they are the enemy now and so we must look elsewhere for leaders.
Thank you for the topics, Sarah. I really, truly appreciate them. I promise we will not see eye to eye on everything. It is impossible, regardless of what our Presidential Candidates will have you believe. But, I will always respect your opinions. And I hope you can think of other questions or topics to introduce on this blog. And for anyone else who reads, remember... nothing is off limits.
Okay, now on to Dan's question. He has asked the question of how I intend to inform the public of what is really going on in Washington and abroad and how I would plan on providing proof for them.
Good question, Dan. One of my platforms on running for President in 2012 is to talk to the public every day, Monday through Friday, around 7:30 and inform them of what happened that day in politics. But not as a politician would. Down to earth and let them know who voted for what. For example... what who added earmarks to a bill and what it was for. That way the people know what their voted representatives are doing. In addition, I'd take a call each day from someone in the country and just listen to what they have to say. No holds barred.
One other thing I plan on doing is utilizing the internet to allow efficiency and accountability. A user-friendly site should be created to where a person puts in their zip code and then a screen pops up with a menu of all their politicians from local to president. Click on a name, andevery vote that person has made in that position is available for review. This would eventually reduce campaigning to minimum spending and weed out the criminals and enemies of the people, paving the way for champions to succeed in politics.
And, if I keep a blog going, I think I would be a little too busy to type every day, but I'll hire someone to type it for me (after I approve of it). Looking for a job, Dan?
I hope this post answered both of your questions, but if not, just let me know. And Sarah, please continue to be my "inner voice" for when I don't explain things properly. Keep me in check so people understand where I'm coming from with the issues.
I'll leave you all with an interesting article to read...
Okay, all... that's enough for today. Keep the questions coming and have a great day!
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Well stated. I would be interested in a position in which I could inform the public of the actions of thier representatives. We'll see when we get there. As to the school issues being talked about, one must remember...you are never going to make everyone happy. It is a simple fact that unfortunatly leaves some people unhappy. The only thing you can do is to encourage equality and freedom of choice. That is the basis of our great constitution and should be the backbone of every political campaign. I agree with most of the viewpoints stated here and yet I do not agree with them all. But as long as they are fair and even, I am good with the option of choice. So, to Rich...keep it up. Stick to your guns on the tough topics, yet always be open to change. (I know you are.) And to Sarah, congratulations on joining our little blog here. And thanks for your input. If your posts on my myspace blogs are any indication, your will make a valuable addition to this blog.
Untill next time.
I did want to say, It wasn't my intention to get on my soap box and shout, in my commentary. Unfortunately, I don't always realize how self-righteous I'm being until after the fact. On that point, I do appologize. It of course is, infact, impossible to make everyone happy.
Your responce put a few more questions in my mind. I do agree that special interests are overly taken care of, but in my own experiences, I've not run into any issues that I would say "push christians to the wayside" either. Perhaps you could share an experience supporting what you've said?
This is a topic that has been eating at me and you mentioned here in passing, Home Schooling. My good friend home schools her three children, and does an exceptional job scholastically and socially. But she is a very well educated woman (book wise) I know there is some government testing in place (unsure whether it is state or fed.)to insure home schoolers are learning at the same level (or higher)then there public or private school contemporaries. I'm not really sure that most of the general public has the ability to offer there children quality education at a higher levels. This seems well substantiated by that crazy tv show, "are you smarter then a 5th grader"
You mentioned here now, that there are schools out there forcing children to understand islam and other religions. Honestly, I think understanding any and all religions
is an important part of education. How can a person hope to live successfully/happily in a world as diverse as our own, without understanding the belief systems of others.
And I have a question for you. I'm seeing you want to run for the presidency in 2012, and I'm wondering If you've had anything to do with politics, on any level, in the past? If you have, in what capacity? If not: do you plan to run for local or state government in the mean time? Do you think a person without political experience could really be elected to such a high office? (I personally would love to take all the "professional" politicians out of office and replace them with people with out any BS exp.)
Thanks for the warm welcome. It's good to have a discussion with people capable of thinking for themselves. I look forward to hearing more
Well, it seems that we have a little debate here. I am personally on the fence when it comes to home schooling. I have issues with the level of education that the children get yet I do not think that government intervention is the right thing either, per say. I believe that there should be a monitoring system in place, but only on the core subjects. I.E. Math, Science, History and English. This system would test only on those subjects and at a broad level. That means that you don’t have to be at the same level as the structured school children exactly, but as long as you are within a certain range. I also believe that the community should be the ones who approve of the testing materials. If not the community, then the state as the highest level of interfering government. This is a diverse country and there is no one answer fits all. The Federal government has no business getting involved in the day to day activities of the states or the communities. The standards set in California may not meet or may way exceed the standards set in Maine. Not to say who is right or who is wrong.
Another thing is that home schooling does not mean that the parents teach the children everything. There are many “unemployed” teachers out there with multiple degrees that are opting to teach home school kids instead of teaching in an over regulated and corrupt education system which is the case in many districts. I refer anyone to the early post of Rich’s about the early days of teaching. This is what is making a comeback today with the independent teachers teaching home school kids in an independent classroom with a better learning environment. I honestly think that home schooling is a good option for the kids if the parents do the proper research and make the right decisions regarding their children’s future.
As far as the teaching of religion in the classroom goes; I do not care if it is Christianity, Buddhism, Muslim, Hinduism, or any other religion….it should be an elective taught to the children who elect to learn it. I agree that it would be best to teach it as an after school class. No one can argue that religion is a theory about the presence of a greater being, and that that being created us all….just like those people cannot argue that the big bang theory is just that, a theory. If the children want to learn about a specific religion, than they can opt to learn about it after school, without the hostile environment that will occur in a standard classroom with close minded individuals. But that is their right to be close minded so you cannot fault them for that, all you can do is make the learning environment suitable for the kids that want to learn. If you start to make religion an educational topic, then people are going to want credit for all of the learning that they do at their prospective worship centers (Sunday school and such).
As far as the whole idea of this being a debate on this blog. I like that we are debating but please do not be fooled anyone, Rich is a fan of small government and community controlled local governments having most of the power locally. His platform so far has to reduce the amount of interference the Federal government has on our day to day lives. The only thing he can do as the President is to release control of the education system and disband the whole US Department of Education. (Not such a bad thing considering that education levels in this country have steadily declined since the implementation of the department.). It will be up to the community to decide what is best for their children. Imagine that, parents actually getting involved with the education system and not using it as a day care. Actually being responsible for their child’s education instead of giving the schools a five year old that cant count to 5, doesn’t know his ABC’s, and barley has any kind of social skills, then blaming the teachers for not being able to get their child up to speed. This is really what we need when it comes to the future of the education system and the development of our children. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.
Hello Again!
The other night I watched the Obama/Clinton debate on CNN. I was brought back to this portion of your last post.
"One other thing I plan on doing is utilizing the internet to allow efficiency and accountability. A user-friendly site should be created to where a person puts in their zip code and then a screen pops up with a menu of all their politicians from local to president. Click on a name, andevery vote that person has made in that position is available for review."
While addressing a question regarding both Obama and Clinton having been highly critical of Bush's secrecies in his administration. One of the moderators then added, to Obama, a recent report held him accountable for 91million in earmarks.
Withing his response, he cited a bill he and another senator (sorry, I cant remember the other senators name, though it was said)
were working on or something to that effect. The proposal was for a site near exact to what you've mentioned here. He refered to it as
"Google for Government". He said his goal for this site was: to account for every dollar of government money goes, who is responsible each bit of spending, from the the lowest levels of government to the highest.
I was really surprised to here this idea again. It is, indeed an awesome idea, but I didn't expect to here it again so soon.
ok, now that I have that out of the way. Lets continue the debate!!
WOOOHOO! Hey, I like to debate, sue me :P
Home schooling. I've always been of the opinion that home schooling was a nice idea, but wouldn't produce children with much acceptance to people different from them. It seems to me like despite parents best intentions, children would still lack learning of independence, self advocation, how to get along with people that have not been handpicked for them to play with and learn with.
My friend that homeschools, does do an excellent job, but her kids still do not have any exposure to children raised without:twice weekly church, without 2 married parents, without an income over 75k a year. Thats my main problems with the whole thing.
as far as testing. As long as there's some kind of monitoring/testing whatever, I really don't care manages it. With the standards so low to pass a student to the next grade of school, any expectations impossed on the homeschooling community would probably me laughable in the parents eyes. i think most homeschoolers have there kids at least a little above public school expectations. And yet i still think kids are not getting there due in this venue, hmmm... I agree that the federal gov. has no business involved in schools, mostly because of the terrible job they've done up to this point.
Ok, the unemployed teacher points you've made don't ring true at all in my mind. I'm sure since you've mentioned them teaching homeschoolers, you must have seen this is motion, but, through my friend, i've probably met a dozen homeschooling parents, none of which would let someone outside of there little community teach there children. The only thing I could see as a remote possiblity for the group that i've been exposed to, would be a very brief stint with a tutor (but this would still be a long shot for these guys) What or where can i get somemore information, or can you tell me more, about teachers working in homeschooling? Being so contrary to what i've experienced, i'm pretty curious. I will look at Rich's early teaching posts. If homeschooling works for the kids and there parents, i wish them well, but i guess i'm not ready to give up on the public school system yet, but i have that luxury for now.
Now, religion in the classroom. If I thought it would work, I'd want Complete seperation of church and state, this is how i was raised, and i have yet to find this stance lacking for my own values. However, I don't think it is possible to erase religion from our history books. (any alteration of history scares the crap out of me personally) I don't know how you could insert "a belief system" or some statement of the like, to replace christianity, islam, judaism, or anything else, without confusing students and undermining the importance of understanding history. This is not a point I see my opinion changing about. I would like to here how you think history without religion would work.
Parental Involvementis definetly something that not enough of us americans GET. I think that does along with my theory of our citizens overwhelming feeling of entitlment. When you believe you are due, that the government has to educate your child, why would you think you should waste your energy trying to teach your child anything. The shear laziness, and insanely egotistical beliefs of so many people in our country is sickening, and i believe a big part of some of the fowl ups in education. My biggest concern is for the children unlucky enough to be born to these egomaniacs. What an injustice to those childrens futures.
Wow! My blog feels like it's finally getting a breathe of life in it. We have people debating on the sides while commenting on my posts... I love it. I will try to post tomorrow (Sunday) if I can come up with the time and a good topic to rant about. Thanks for the comments you two, I really appreciate the support.
I will try to find out some more information about teachers teaching outside of the shool system. I am interested myself for the future of my child. I think that this was a great debate over this topic and some good ideas were thrown out. I hope in the future that others will get involved like you did Sarah. We of course will have to agree to disagree with some things but as long as we are open minded to the idea of change and actually strive to cause it as well, we should be good. I bow out of this debate for now, and look forward to your next post Rich.
Ta-ta for now
Hey Sarah, Check out this site. Watch the video.
Thank for posting that link Dan.
Well, that certainly illustrates how christians can and are being "pushed to the wayside". When I think about keeping religion out of public schools, this is DEFINETLY not what I'm thinking. But, I do think, its really just another residual from our politically correct, lawsuit obscessed, society. This stirred up lots of thought in my head.
Hey Rich! What rock are you hiding under?
We are faced with a choice this election unlike any before in my opinion. There are two candidates in this race that I beleave will drag this country down to the gutters. They are both so far left that reality does not even come in to play. They have both said that one of the first things they will do is raise taxes. Given our curent economic situation I feel this woud prove to be disastrous for the american people. After comments made by Baroc Obma"s pastor and he is still an active member of that church and the liberal media has turned a blind eye to it I am very concerned. What are your thoughts on this election and how would you handle the two far left candidates?
There is no candidate remaining, in my opinion, left or right, that I have any confidence in. But the man on the right will get my vote when hell freezes over. I think, believing the man on the right won't raise taxes, is as insane as the candidate himself. As for reality, I fail to see how anyones political leanings, can impact there lucidity. Mc Cain didn't loose his marbles because he's a republican.
I just want to say how I feel about any discussion on what goes on in Obama's church. So, I'll speak from the only point of view I have, mine. I have not always agreed with the things ministers in my former church have said. I have not felt compelled to challenge or correct them, they're entitled to there opinion too. I do not want to be judged by what they have said on the pulpit because of my association with them. So, I'd want to give anyone else the respect that I would want in this type of situation. But, if the statements of the clergy of our elected officials is of concern, I'd challenge anyone to find the contemporaries for Bush, Cheney, Clinton, or Mc Cain, without an "unacceptable" sermon in there collections.
I have no idea how to handle any of these candidates. And I'm honestly sickened by this election and I expect that won't be changing.
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