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Friday, August 31, 2007

Do Pharmaceutical Companies Care About Us? Something to Ponder...

An interesting snippet from an article I read titled "Absurd vaccine marketing calls for cervical cancer vaccinations for young boys!". The entire article can be found at

Inventing the problem, then marketing the "solution"

Did you ever notice how the press never even talked about Restless Legs Syndrome until the drug companies had a new pharmaceutical for sale that claimed to treat the condition? The press sets up the fear campaigns for one fictitious disease after another, and then Big Pharma just happens to introduce a new high-profit chemical that treats the disease. In this latest example, the press has been floating stories about the dangers of oral sex for several days, and then -- whammo! -- a story magically appears about vaccinating young boys to protect them from the dangers of oral sex.

You have to understand that almost nothing appears in the mainstream media without an agenda. The news isn't news, it's a way of shaping public perception in order to market something: War, drugs, products, paradigms, etc. The U.S. press is a vehicle of shaping the belief systems of the public. It invents and promotes cultural fears, beliefs and perceptions. It has nothing whatsoever to do with bringing people useful news and information. Instead, it is almost entirely focused on getting people to believe what the folks in charge want them to believe.

The current news about the housing bubble, for example, is all designed to delay the coming collapse of both the global real estate market and the U.S. stock market (not to mention the U.S. dollar). By shaping public perception and telling people it's only a temporary downturn in the market, they can convince enough people that we should all keep on paying sky-high prices for houses and thereby delay the inevitable real estate market collapse for a little longer.

Similarly, virtually every story you read about health is designed to shape your beliefs about nutrition, pharmaceuticals, health care and the (false) causes of diseases. Stories about the genetic causes of disease, for example, are designed to strip away your power and get you to believe that you have no control over your own health. Stories about the dangers of nutritional supplements are designed to convince you to fear nutrition and trust only in pharmaceuticals. Stories about oral sex, as we've seen here, are designed to rally the nation into a state of irrational fear out of which they will react by calling for mandatory vaccinations of teenage boys.

David Icke describes this as "Problem - Reaction - Solution." First, they set up the fictitious problem and scare everybody, then they wait for the public reaction (which is quite predictable and actually planned out from the beginning). Finally, they introduce the "solution" which is war, or martial law, or forced vaccinations or whatever was on their agenda in the first place. It's the way all power brokers have ever managed to get things done in a society that pretends to be free. If you want to sell useless pharmaceuticals to hundreds of millions of people who don't need them, you can't just march in and force people to buy them. That would never fly. Instead, you have to convince the people to demand the vaccinations themselves! And you do that by propagandizing scare stories like this one on the dangers of oral sex. If you scare the people enough, they'll demand that you take action, and then your "solution" looks like you're just responding to the needs of the people.

Modern medicine is a hoax. It mostly comes down to brainwashing doctors, playing mind games with the public and controlling the media. Disease mongering is rampant, and drug companies are now resorting to the most absurd, ridiculous leaps of the imagination to try to convince people they need more vaccines and medications. Just five years ago, the idea that teenage boys needed to be vaccinated against a cervical cancer virus would have been considered lunacy, but today, the Big Pharma propaganda machine is pushing it with a straight facing, hoping that within a year or two, the population will be so utterly frightened over oral sex viruses that every sexually active person in the country will line up and fork over cash for their "sex vaccines."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree one hundred percent with this. It is not just the Pharma companies doing it, It is all of big business.


1. Cervical cancer treeatment for boys as well as girls.
If your check out Merks website for the latest and 'greatest' drug for the Human Papaloma Virus, it is a wonder drug. Wonder why anyone would take it. In the trial months before recieving total FDA approval, the death rate in girls for the drug was something like 20%. I would rather have my daughter have a 5% chance of being diagnosed with HPV when she is 30-40 instead of a 20% chance of dead at 14. But Merk doesn't tell you that in the commercials.

2. Freon. r-12 or r-23a?

The super company DuPont had the patent for a colling agent that used CFC's. They recieved the patent back in the 50's I believe. The patent ran out in the 70-80's timeframe. Coincidentally, that is the same time that the EPA determined that CFC's were causing damage to the ozone layer. But it is a good thing that DuPont had just developed a new colling agent that used CO2. They patented it and now the patent is running out. WOW, the EPA is saying that CO2 is now a major concern with 'global warming'. I can gaureentee that DuPont has a new collant ready to go when the world passes its proposed carbon tax.

there are many more if you look at the individual topics.

Antidepressants: I saw a report yesterday that said that teen suicides are up 92% because the option to not take antidepressants is becoming the norm. How about that society has left these kids out to dry. In a world where both parents HAVE to work in order to just get by, there is no support system in place for the kids to fall back on. Teenagers wind up having to watch their brothers and sisters, make dinner, do homework on their own, work to get money, and then there is the whole drug issue that when we were kids, if our parents found out we did drugs, we got our buts beat.

So I agree with you here, What is the proposed plan? Not that I expect that the pres himself can change this.


p.s. We need to readvertise your site. There was such a lull in activity that I bet people stopped checking.