An interesting snippet from an article I read titled "Absurd vaccine marketing calls for cervical cancer vaccinations for young boys!". The entire article can be found at
Inventing the problem, then marketing the "solution"
Did you ever notice how the press never even talked about Restless Legs Syndrome until the drug companies had a new pharmaceutical for sale that claimed to treat the condition? The press sets up the fear campaigns for one fictitious disease after another, and then Big Pharma just happens to introduce a new high-profit chemical that treats the disease. In this latest example, the press has been floating stories about the dangers of oral sex for several days, and then -- whammo! -- a story magically appears about vaccinating young boys to protect them from the dangers of oral sex.
You have to understand that almost nothing appears in the mainstream media without an agenda. The news isn't news, it's a way of shaping public perception in order to market something: War, drugs, products, paradigms, etc. The U.S. press is a vehicle of shaping the belief systems of the public. It invents and promotes cultural fears, beliefs and perceptions. It has nothing whatsoever to do with bringing people useful news and information. Instead, it is almost entirely focused on getting people to believe what the folks in charge want them to believe.
The current news about the housing bubble, for example, is all designed to delay the coming collapse of both the global real estate market and the U.S. stock market (not to mention the U.S. dollar). By shaping public perception and telling people it's only a temporary downturn in the market, they can convince enough people that we should all keep on paying sky-high prices for houses and thereby delay the inevitable real estate market collapse for a little longer.
Similarly, virtually every story you read about health is designed to shape your beliefs about nutrition, pharmaceuticals, health care and the (false) causes of diseases. Stories about the genetic causes of disease, for example, are designed to strip away your power and get you to believe that you have no control over your own health. Stories about the dangers of nutritional supplements are designed to convince you to fear nutrition and trust only in pharmaceuticals. Stories about oral sex, as we've seen here, are designed to rally the nation into a state of irrational fear out of which they will react by calling for mandatory vaccinations of teenage boys.
David Icke describes this as "Problem - Reaction - Solution." First, they set up the fictitious problem and scare everybody, then they wait for the public reaction (which is quite predictable and actually planned out from the beginning). Finally, they introduce the "solution" which is war, or martial law, or forced vaccinations or whatever was on their agenda in the first place. It's the way all power brokers have ever managed to get things done in a society that pretends to be free. If you want to sell useless pharmaceuticals to hundreds of millions of people who don't need them, you can't just march in and force people to buy them. That would never fly. Instead, you have to convince the people to demand the vaccinations themselves! And you do that by propagandizing scare stories like this one on the dangers of oral sex. If you scare the people enough, they'll demand that you take action, and then your "solution" looks like you're just responding to the needs of the people.
Modern medicine is a hoax. It mostly comes down to brainwashing doctors, playing mind games with the public and controlling the media. Disease mongering is rampant, and drug companies are now resorting to the most absurd, ridiculous leaps of the imagination to try to convince people they need more vaccines and medications. Just five years ago, the idea that teenage boys needed to be vaccinated against a cervical cancer virus would have been considered lunacy, but today, the Big Pharma propaganda machine is pushing it with a straight facing, hoping that within a year or two, the population will be so utterly frightened over oral sex viruses that every sexually active person in the country will line up and fork over cash for their "sex vaccines."
Friday, August 31, 2007
Gays and Summertime Energy Demands
Hello all,
Anyone who checks this blog regularly must be pretty dissappointed with me as of the past 4 weeks. I have been pretty busy between my current job (which is just booming) and my future job. That's right... I'm moving on to another job that would be better for my family and will also give me more time to dedicate to my running for President. Real quick before I get started on answering questions... Somebody suggested that I change the names of the entries so that people can look to the menu on the side and see the topics I've covered, so that's just what I have begun to do starting with this one. I might go back and rename the previous ones... not sure yet. Thanks to my buddy that recommended it as it only helps to improve my blog. Okay, let's move on...
Mr. Anonymous asked what my position is on gay marriage and the ability for gay couples to adopt. What a touchy subject to tackle in today's society if you listen to the main stream media. But I really don't think it's as big a political suicide as the media makes it out to be. Here's my outlook... I am personally against homosexuality as an act. I base my opinions on personal religious beliefs and that is that. I will not be swayed to change my way of thinking on this one, nor will I appear to flip-flop on the topic just to let you hear what you want to hear. That being said, I do not feel ill will toward homosexuals. They are American citizens just like Heterosexuals. Therefore, they have the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If two people decide to create a union, they should be treated the same, regardless of the union. Now we do have to be careful because if we decide to let anyone do anything that they want to in relationships, then before we know it, there would be polygomy parades and such until that becomes okay too. And, of course, as is my answer so many times in issues like this one, I think the power should be left up to the local communities or, at the highest level, the States. That way if a community is against gay marriage, then they can vote against it in their community and vice versa if they are for it. One thing I would recommend is that if it is legalized locally, it be called something other than marriage. The term marriage refers to a union of a man and a woman in front of God. As homosexuality is forbidden in the bible, the term gay marriage should also be forbidden. Another reason to be married is for tax break purposes, but again, in one of my first blogs, I discuss getting rid of the current tax system and creating a National Sales Tax, so there would be no need for marriage to be a tax benefit. We are already encountering entities such as insurance companies that recognize homosexual partners for insurance purposes, so there is another reason shot down the drain. Would this separate the states and maybe even neighboring communities? Yes. But that's okay. It's okay to be different. By becoming homogenous as a society, we take away what it means to be an American citizen.
As far as gays adopting children, this is a subject that again, I stand fast in my opinion. I have such a soft spot in my heart for children. They are so innocent and helpless, that it hurts me to see any child hurt or have to go without. If I could afford to adopt every child, I would. I personally think that a non-traditional family would be able to provide a better home for a child than an orphanage or a series of foster homes. To deny a child the chance to be loved, to be cared for... to be supported... to have good childhood memories... to feel wanted... is just wrong to me. I say good on them wanting to adopt if it means a child has a roof over his or her head. Besides, if they don't adopt but are adamant about having a child, they will always find a donor to be able to have one. And therefore a child is brought into the world, passing over an orphan yet again.
Sorry if I've offended anyone so far. To recap, I am personally against it, which means that I will not partake in the act due to my religious beliefs. Nor would I want to live in a community that legally supports or allows gay unions. For example, I could not stand the show Will and Grace, but I did not protest it. I did not write in saying it should be off the air... I merely changed the channel and made the decision on my own not watch it. See, I will not try to tell anyone else how to live. It's not supposed to be the role of Federal Government to do that.
On to Summertime energy demands...
This is just an example of us, as American citizens, wanting our cake and eating it too. We want low energy costs and we protest new energy plants in our "back yards", but then want to use energy as if it's a limitless commodity. It's also a classic case of the haves and have-nots. The blackouts in California... did we ever hear of Beverly Hills losing power? Any reports or live coverage of mansions or well-off people not having power? Not that I can recall. You get what you can afford unfortunately. And that should be the American way. The power companies are going to take care of the wealthy first and foremost because that's where the majority of their money comes from. I do not think we should or could have an instant solution to let us be energy gluttons. Rushing anything would be dangerous and would just make us even bigger gluttons to demand more energy. The power companies should plan for the future, but at the same time people have to be realistic. I've seen many a community become greedy with wanting money in property taxes and such by letting their towns grow at too rapid a pace. They don't take into account roads or police needs or energy demands. That is all an after-thought. I say to cope with the high energy demands, that people either be allotted so much energy or that they get charged on a logarithmic scale compared to the amount of energy drawn. The more you use, the way more you pay. It will keep people from being gluttonous in a time when nobody cares about such issues until it effects them.
That brings me to a subject on my mind lately... People who complain about things, but have no solution or do nothing themselves to better the situation. People complain about energy, but what do they do to prevent it? Let's look at the wildfires in Greece. I feel for the people and animals affected by it. But then people protest in the cities that their government isn't doing enough. What would you like them to do? Or better yet... volunteer. Tell the government you're willing to go and help. Don't Just Complain!!!!
Okay folks. I think this is enough for today. I'd better cut this off before I get more angry thinking about how some people can be. I hope August was as great as it could be for all of you and I say let's keep fighting the powers that want to take complete control of us!
Anyone who checks this blog regularly must be pretty dissappointed with me as of the past 4 weeks. I have been pretty busy between my current job (which is just booming) and my future job. That's right... I'm moving on to another job that would be better for my family and will also give me more time to dedicate to my running for President. Real quick before I get started on answering questions... Somebody suggested that I change the names of the entries so that people can look to the menu on the side and see the topics I've covered, so that's just what I have begun to do starting with this one. I might go back and rename the previous ones... not sure yet. Thanks to my buddy that recommended it as it only helps to improve my blog. Okay, let's move on...
Mr. Anonymous asked what my position is on gay marriage and the ability for gay couples to adopt. What a touchy subject to tackle in today's society if you listen to the main stream media. But I really don't think it's as big a political suicide as the media makes it out to be. Here's my outlook... I am personally against homosexuality as an act. I base my opinions on personal religious beliefs and that is that. I will not be swayed to change my way of thinking on this one, nor will I appear to flip-flop on the topic just to let you hear what you want to hear. That being said, I do not feel ill will toward homosexuals. They are American citizens just like Heterosexuals. Therefore, they have the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If two people decide to create a union, they should be treated the same, regardless of the union. Now we do have to be careful because if we decide to let anyone do anything that they want to in relationships, then before we know it, there would be polygomy parades and such until that becomes okay too. And, of course, as is my answer so many times in issues like this one, I think the power should be left up to the local communities or, at the highest level, the States. That way if a community is against gay marriage, then they can vote against it in their community and vice versa if they are for it. One thing I would recommend is that if it is legalized locally, it be called something other than marriage. The term marriage refers to a union of a man and a woman in front of God. As homosexuality is forbidden in the bible, the term gay marriage should also be forbidden. Another reason to be married is for tax break purposes, but again, in one of my first blogs, I discuss getting rid of the current tax system and creating a National Sales Tax, so there would be no need for marriage to be a tax benefit. We are already encountering entities such as insurance companies that recognize homosexual partners for insurance purposes, so there is another reason shot down the drain. Would this separate the states and maybe even neighboring communities? Yes. But that's okay. It's okay to be different. By becoming homogenous as a society, we take away what it means to be an American citizen.
As far as gays adopting children, this is a subject that again, I stand fast in my opinion. I have such a soft spot in my heart for children. They are so innocent and helpless, that it hurts me to see any child hurt or have to go without. If I could afford to adopt every child, I would. I personally think that a non-traditional family would be able to provide a better home for a child than an orphanage or a series of foster homes. To deny a child the chance to be loved, to be cared for... to be supported... to have good childhood memories... to feel wanted... is just wrong to me. I say good on them wanting to adopt if it means a child has a roof over his or her head. Besides, if they don't adopt but are adamant about having a child, they will always find a donor to be able to have one. And therefore a child is brought into the world, passing over an orphan yet again.
Sorry if I've offended anyone so far. To recap, I am personally against it, which means that I will not partake in the act due to my religious beliefs. Nor would I want to live in a community that legally supports or allows gay unions. For example, I could not stand the show Will and Grace, but I did not protest it. I did not write in saying it should be off the air... I merely changed the channel and made the decision on my own not watch it. See, I will not try to tell anyone else how to live. It's not supposed to be the role of Federal Government to do that.
On to Summertime energy demands...
This is just an example of us, as American citizens, wanting our cake and eating it too. We want low energy costs and we protest new energy plants in our "back yards", but then want to use energy as if it's a limitless commodity. It's also a classic case of the haves and have-nots. The blackouts in California... did we ever hear of Beverly Hills losing power? Any reports or live coverage of mansions or well-off people not having power? Not that I can recall. You get what you can afford unfortunately. And that should be the American way. The power companies are going to take care of the wealthy first and foremost because that's where the majority of their money comes from. I do not think we should or could have an instant solution to let us be energy gluttons. Rushing anything would be dangerous and would just make us even bigger gluttons to demand more energy. The power companies should plan for the future, but at the same time people have to be realistic. I've seen many a community become greedy with wanting money in property taxes and such by letting their towns grow at too rapid a pace. They don't take into account roads or police needs or energy demands. That is all an after-thought. I say to cope with the high energy demands, that people either be allotted so much energy or that they get charged on a logarithmic scale compared to the amount of energy drawn. The more you use, the way more you pay. It will keep people from being gluttonous in a time when nobody cares about such issues until it effects them.
That brings me to a subject on my mind lately... People who complain about things, but have no solution or do nothing themselves to better the situation. People complain about energy, but what do they do to prevent it? Let's look at the wildfires in Greece. I feel for the people and animals affected by it. But then people protest in the cities that their government isn't doing enough. What would you like them to do? Or better yet... volunteer. Tell the government you're willing to go and help. Don't Just Complain!!!!
Okay folks. I think this is enough for today. I'd better cut this off before I get more angry thinking about how some people can be. I hope August was as great as it could be for all of you and I say let's keep fighting the powers that want to take complete control of us!
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